See if you can answer these the "answers" link at the end to check your answers. 1) The hydraulic lift uses which principle? a) Bernoulli's b) Pascal's c) Archimedes' d) Aerodynamics 2) What instrument meassures pressure in gasses? a) manometer b) barometer c) thermometer d) anemometer 3)When a fluid is in motion, what is its pressure in relation to the same fluid not in motion? a) higher b) lower c) the same d) unpredictable 4) What was Daniel Bernoulli's most famous work, in which he described his principle of fluid? a) Principia b) Utopia c) Hydrodynamica d) Curious George 5) With which famous mathematician did Bernoulli collaborate at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences? a) Leonhard Euler b) Sir Isaac Newton c) Pythagoras of Samos d) George W. Bush 6) Name the aerodynamic force(s). a) thrust b) drag c) b and e d) weight e) lift 7) What thing(s) must be present in order for lift and drag forces to take place? a) a fluid b) motion c) Liftodrago wind d) a and b e) none of the above 8) In what direction does lift take place? a) in the direction of the motion of the object b) in the opposite direction of the motion of an object c) lift has no particular direction d) perpendicular to the motion e) none of the above 9) In what direction does drag take place? a) in the direction of the motion of the object b) in the opposite direction of the motion of an object c) drag has no particular direction d) a and b e) none of the above 10) Name the type(s) of drag. a) friction drag b) form drag c) induced drag d) a, b, and c e) none of the above 11) What is always the upward force of the liquid against a submerged object? a) friction b) air resistance c) buoyant d) net 12) What principle discusses the effects of the buoyant force? a) Archimedes' b) Bernoulli's c) Pascal's d) Aerodynamics 13) What instrument is used to measure the density of liquids? a) manometer b) thermometer c) barometer d) hydrometer |